Monday, April 8, 2013

Not giving up...

I realize that I didn't post in over a month, now. I just wasn't feeling March much at all. There were some things I did better like I started parking further away and walking more while out and about. Mostly though I slipped on my eating and thats where things went downhill. Yesterday I finally got my shit together and decided enough was enough and after going through all my old clothes this weekend and seeing all the things I used to be able to wear but only for about a month or so before I found myself pregnant with Bethany, lol. It's nice to have something to aspire to. I think maybe I should hang up some of my favorite pieces around the house a bit so I can always see them and know what I'm working towards. It's a nice idea to tell myself that I wanna be healthier but ya know... I wanna feel good too and I will feel good if I look good so that's something a little more concrete for me to visualize.

My fiance has been trying to get back in shape as well. He's currently at 154 but was 128 when we first got together so I think that's where he's aiming to be. You couldn't tell by looking at him that he needs to lose anything though, he seems all bones to me. lol. I suppose the only thing different with him than before is that he used to have defined abs, now not so much but it's not like he has a huge gut in its place though either.

I was looking at my old posts from 2011 and can see that as of today, I am just 7 lbs higher than I was on April 8th, 2 years ago. If I can manage to kick myself in to high gear like I did back then I can reach my goals by a similar time as I did then. I recall finally feeling comfortable and really fantastic about where I was just about September. However I also started my plateau right about that time of year so I'm going to have to watch myself and look out for slipping back in to those habits again because I was still a good 20 lbs from my goal weight of being at the very top of a normal BMI. My recommended weight was even 20 more lbs past that but I'm not sure I'll 100% trust BMI calculators to tell me how much I should weigh so I'm not too worried about that yet.

Anyways... here's to April. Spring is here and the sun is finally showing its face more often. I was able to walk around outside in shorts yesterday and still be hot, so yay warmer weather!

April 7th 2013 (I weighed in yesterday when I started over)

Weight: 244.4 lbs (+9.2 lbs since last month)

  • Bust: 47 inches (-1.5 in)
  • Waist: 47 inches (+1 in)
  • Hips: 54 inches (+.5 in)
  • Thighs: 29.5 inches (+.5 in)
  • Calves: 18 inches (0 in)
  • Neck: 14.5 inches (+.5 in)
  • Arms: 16 inches (+1 in)
BMI: 40.7 (+)

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