Well Spring break is officially over...
I started a new job in August of 2018 working for a local public school district and so now I have the pleasure of being on break when my kids are. It's been absolutely wonderful! One of my longest dreams finally came true for new years this year. My husband and I celebrated New Years Eve in New York city. Not really sure why but I've always longed to do that and he came in to a lot of money all at once last fall and decided before it all gets spent on things we need that we should put down some for something we've just always wanted to do and he knew it was my dream to go to New York. So we finally did it! Of course we were totally broke again by the time we made it home, but hey you only live once and we've lost too many friends and family members in the last year to be holding on to dreams you'll never see to fruition. A very close family friend who was like a father to me passed away from a freak accident and he had been saving his whole life to go on a big trip with just him and his wife but he never got to so it really got us thinking. Anyways... that is what I did with my winter break.
For Spring break I did a lot of spring cleaning and prepping for things to come. I wish I had a little more time to get everything finished but oh well. Before I know it, it will be summer break and omg I don't even know what I will do with all that free time but I am hoping a lot of it gets spent working towards a healthier and happier me!
Both of my children joined me on my bike ride today and my 6 year old was so whiney... lol. She just hasn't gotten the hang of riding a bike yet and is still relying on training wheels. I think we may have to go cold turkey off of them to get her to finally just learn how to do it.