Saturday, March 16, 2019

Here comes the sun

The weather here has been gorgeous lately and the forecast for the next week looks even better. Took my son for a bicycle ride yesterday just for the heck of it and managed to get in exactly one mile just by chance. I decided that is as good a start as anywhere and got myself in another mile today. I'm going to commit myself now to doing a minimum of 1 mile on my bike each day and see where I can go from there. I mean, I ate cheesecake for breakfast today, but I also took a few baby steps towards a healthier goal for my life. Work in progress...

I probably won't have the same results I did at 25 now that I am 33, but I'm tired of giving myself excuses. The food has always been the hardest part, but I think I started working out first last time and that is what motivated me to stop with the excessive portions and the things that just weren't as healthy for me. I actually enjoy doing all the things, its just that back then I was unemployed and only had one kid who was a toddler I could just push along with me or pull in the bike carrier or put in my backpack, etc. There are a lot more things pulling against me these days, but I think if I just focus on one thing at a time I will slowly but surely make it to where I need to be. It probably won't happen in a year, but I have so many years ahead of me right now so what the hell am I waiting for, right?

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