Friday, March 10, 2017

Fabulous friday

Today is a fabulous Friday! The sun is out full blast and I feel as if I might get my first sunburn of the year. Lol. I walked home on my lunch break and am sitting on the porch listening to the birds chirping and singing as they hunt through my grass for tasty treats. I can hear my neighbor's lawn mower in the distance leaving fresh cut grass for me to smell on my walk back. The wind is blowing a gentle breeze, just enough to make the wind chimes my grandmother gave me play a beautiful melody. Today is one of those blissful days where it almost seems a shame to return to work. However, my students have been enjoying a pretty easy going morning and I look forward to coming back just before nap time is over so I can see their sweet faces as they wake up.

In fitness news, I have made it down to the weight I was when I gave birth to my second child, Bethany. I had lost 30 just after having her but then let life get the best of me and shot up that 30 and then some. Anyways, I am now 24lbs down just since January 1st and 31 lbs in total. This had me pumped so when I walked home, I actually jogged part of the way and enjoyed it.

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