Alright... so I was going to just make another update blog about how things are going for me... but a few moments ago I got a text from a close friend that has sent me in to a bit of a whirlwind and so I thought I better stop everything I'm dong and focus on how I'm feeling right this moment and write it all out.
I get a text from a guy I know who mentions yet again how he adores my face and that while he's glad I'm getting healthy and changing for the better, he is pleased that my face, while slimmer has not changed all that much. He's mentioned this several times in the last few weeks about how my face has always been his favorite feature of mine and so this time after thanking him, I ask why he never told me so before now. This was his response:
"Idk. Never really thought about it. it's kinda complicated. it had to do with the weight you had put on. If I say, your face is definitely my favorite feature, it sometimes leads down a road where we discuss the rest of you, and that wouldn't make me real comfortable because I don't lie."
My initial thought was, oh, that makes perfect sense so I said 'fair enough' but then almost immediately I thought, well but at least it would have been someone. Not a single person had the balls to stop me even just once and say hey Jennifer, I think you have a problem and it's only getting worse.
I do greatly appreciate him not voicing his opinion on the matter when not asked about it though, because honestly - He's a guy. Hearing that from the opposite sex probably would have crushed me back then. I wasn't near as strong minded as I am now. It would have been nice to hear from any of my female friends though. I won't say that I wouldn't have been offended initially, because that would have totally been the case, but I think in the long run I would have thanked them for noticing and caring enough about me to say something.
Which brings me to where I am now... I am happy and on my way to healthy and in the position to offer words of encouragement and advice along with telling someone I care enough to notice they're having issues with their weight. But still... I am scared to death of hurting someone's feelings and possibly sending them in the opposite direction of depression and anger and gaining even more weight. It's so tricky and hard to figure out just how involved to get in to the lives of the ones you love. But given even the slightest chance to bring it up, you better believe I will do it! If someone happens to make a comment about how they can't wear certain things anymore or they wish they could do this or that, I will be there to say hey... you know... I was that person at one time, too and I know that you can change and I will even help you in any way I know how.
Anyways... I guess those are my thoughts on that matter. How about you guys? Do you ever think there is a right or wrong time to say something? Do you wish someone had said something to you sooner? Did someone say something to you? How did you react? I wanna know people!!
As for an update on me... well I am doing fantastic... down again after and amazing weekend. I'm now weighing in at 180 lbs! I also donated blood on Saturday and feel so awesome becuase that was the first time in my life I have had a high enough iron count or whatever it's called to be able to donate!! I've tried several times in the past and apparently been not healthy enough, so huge NSV for me!!
In other news... I chopped off 13 inches of my hair and dyed the rest bright red! ;)