Thursday, March 17, 2011

Knowledge is Power

It really is. I've always loved that saying. I strive to know things. Some people think that makes me nosey or nerdy or whatever. But meh... I NEED to know things. lol. I hate not knowing things. Some things I just can't help not knowing though of course because I've never been exposed to the idea of those things before so I've never had the chance to gain an interest in them. Like there are some really basic things I feel like I should have learned a long time ago about how to eat well and take care of my body. Why doesn't everyone know these things?? There should be more in depth health classes at school I think, and they should start at a much younger age than just high school. I had 1 Health class that only lasted for 1 semester out of all 13 years of K-12th grade. As much as I know there is to learn about it now, I am really pretty upset that this isn't a more important subject!

Anyways... more to the point, I am so very glad to be living in the day and age that I do now. The internet is the best thing ever pretty much. I love that almost limiteless knowledge rests at the my fingertips. I love that there have been years and years of research and study done over long periods of time by lots of other people than me who have tested theories about how to do things right and get the best results. In all aspects of life of course, but more specifically speaking, in how to live healthy and burn excess weight. Because time is everything, especially when you are a mother. I don't want to waste my time trying all sorts of things that won't work, so I can just google til my hearts content to find the things that do work! I love it. :)

Some info I found out yesterday...

Drinking ice cold water burns more calories than drinking it room temperature because your body has to heat itself up to regulate the temps.

Studies show that working out for about 30 minutes as soon as you wake up before you eat anything burns more calories all throughout the day than exercising at any other time of the day. When you wake up and have an empty stomach your body is forced to pull energy from the fat that is already stored on your body as opposed to whatever you eat for breakfast that day. While working out before you go to bed is still good for you, it doesn't burn as many calories because when you go to sleep your body's metabolism goes down to it's slowest rate.


  1. Studies show that working out for about 30 minutes as soon as you wake up before you eat anything burns more calories all throughout the day than exercising at any other time of the day. <- I preach about "Morning cardio" all the time on my blogs.

  2. I know you do hon. I've seen you talk about doing your cardio in the mornings all the time but I never saw you post about why you did it in the mornings before eating food. This was something i found on few different other websites full of useful information though.
